
On-site meeting in Vienna German speaking

Corporate & Krisenkommunikation Österreich

3 April 2025, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm
AOP Health, Vienna, Austria
Isolde Fally
Corporate Communications Managerin, AOP Health

Erfahrungsaustausch für Kommunikationsleiter und Kommunikationsmanager sowie offene Diskussionen und Netzwerken. Wie immer völlig werbefreier Austausch, ohne Agenturen und Consultants.

Sign-up for this in-person meeting

Participation for Advatera members is of course at no extra charge. Guests are welcome on a one-time basis to get to know the group, only if space is available. Please sign-up and we will let you know. Sales free meeting, no registrations from agencies, consultants, sales people and vendors please. This is an on-site meeting at AOP Health in Vienna.