Digital Leadership Forum · Digital Comms · Corporate Culture · Boutique Conference

26 + 27 September · Vienna · hybrid conference · 9th Edition

Digital Leadership Forum 2022


Track A
Digital Leadership and Business Transformation
Track B
Digital External Communications & Marketing
Track C
Digital Internal Communications, Digital Workplace & Hybrid Work
Room A
Monday, Sep 26
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CEST

Registration and Welcome

Room A
Monday, Sep 26
1:00 pm – 1:05 pm CEST

Welcome by Volker Grünauer, conference chair

Anna-Maria Wieser, Advatera
Volker Grünauer, Advatera
Room A
Monday, Sep 26
1:05 pm – 3:20 pm CEST

Workshop: Digital Experience

The on-site workshop in Vienna is led by Adriaan Bloem and the online workshop is led by Tony Byrne

Tony Byrne, Real Story Group
Adriaan Bloem, Radagio
Room B
Monday, Sep 26
1:05 pm – 3:20 pm CEST

Workshop: Human(e) Digital Connection

Zoom fatigue, information overload and techno-stress – new words we all learnt during the pandemic. Technological advances and digital transformation are creating new opportunities but also new challenges. While your iPhone was upgraded just a few days ago, the last update of our human software (brain) was 200,000 years ago. In this workshop Jane will look at the neuroscience and psychology to understand how to truly connect and engage with customers and employees in a digital age exploring: Why we react and respond differently to digitally vs face-to-face communication. How cognitive overload and stress slows down collaboration Ways of building trust in a digital age Thought provoking questions and practical ideas to understand the psychology of tech – human interaction in a digital age.

Jane Piper, PIPSY
Room C
Monday, Sep 26
1:05 pm – 3:20 pm CEST

Workshop: Let's explore how we can ensure a consistent Content Lifecycle of our Intranets’

What is needed to ensure relevant, easy to find, concise and always up to date information in the intranet.Which trainings and processes are needed to make for good intranet content and to ensure a continuous Content Lifecycle. In this workshop we want to clarify the: Why – Get a common understanding of Content Lifecycle Management in the intranet What – Gather how Content Lifecycle Management is perceived in your intranet environment and elaborate first solutions How – We show you how we want to implement Content Lifecycle Management at Endress+Hauser

Johannes Eichin, Endress+Hauser Group
Mike Huber, Endress+Hauser Group
Room A
Monday, Sep 26
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm CEST

Managing Online Communities through Mental Crises - Being the Bigger Person/Brand

Laura Geftman, Bicycle Health
Room C
Monday, Sep 26
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm CEST

Celebrating Beyond Borders: The ZEISS 175 Digital Anniversary Radio Live on the Intranet

Charlton Payne, ZEISS Group
Monday, Sep 26
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm CEST

Guided tour at Albertina

Monday, Sep 26
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm CEST

Dinner at Glacis Beisl

Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
8:45 am – 9:00 am CEST

Good Morning & Check-In

Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
8:45 am – 9:30 am CEST

Moderated Roundtable Discussion

Discuss your current challenges with colleagues from all over Europe. Roundtables include: Ever lost your customer's trust because of scammers, fakes and frauds? Find out how to control what's yours! Working with KPIs in internal comms Microsoft Viva – Employee Experience Platform vs. Intranet and Employee App Employee Wellbeing as key to success Employee Engagment Rountable Employee App Social Media Trolls Showing clear ROI from digital marketing efforts Managing digital assets

Nicholas Wardle, One Housing
Lutz Hirsch, HIRSCHTEC
Caroline Rheubottom, Intuit
Erik Hartman, Advatera
Alexander Schweighofer, Solvion
Denis Ferrand, Transdev
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
9:30 am – 9:45 am CEST

Digital Leadership – thoughts by conference chair Volker Grünauer

Volker Grünauer, Advatera
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
9:45 am – 10:30 am CEST

Keynote: The Trust Imperative in the Era of ‘Beg Data’

Tim Walters, The Content Advisory
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
10:30 am – 11:00 am CEST

Break & Networking

Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
11:00 am – 11:30 am CEST

Personalized Marketing @AXA Switzerland

Antonia Lepore, AXA Schweiz
Room B
Tuesday, Sep 27
11:00 am – 11:30 am CEST

A Cat, a Panda and a Unicorn Meet in Church - Strategic Social Media Communication for the Church

We've always done it this way. So what? / It's me: the strange church guy!

Jens Albers, Bistum Essen
Room C
Tuesday, Sep 27
11:00 am – 11:30 am CEST

Internal Communication during a reorganization

Michelle Habegger, Zühlke Group
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
11:30 am – 12:00 pm CEST

The Kiss NFT – A first step into the Metaverse for the Belvedere Museum

Markus Wiesenhofer, Galerie Belvedere
Jürgen Pölzl, artèQ
Room B
Tuesday, Sep 27
11:30 am – 12:00 pm CEST

If our pets could order for themselves: The first social media campaign at zooplus

Sarah Sunderbrink, zooplus
Room C
Tuesday, Sep 27
11:30 am – 12:00 pm CEST

Digitization of internal communication - Transavia Case Study

Translating strategic and organizational goals into tactical and operational communication plans to encourage employee engagement and support digital interaction by facilitating dialogue.

Gaby Nijzingh-Mos, Transavia
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CEST

Lunch & Learn

Discuss your current digital challenges with participants from all over Europe

Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
1:00 pm – 1:05 pm CEST

Afternoon opening thoughts by Volker Grünauer

Volker Grünauer, Advatera
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
1:05 pm – 1:50 pm CEST

Keynote: Digital Inclusion

Cadence Willis, Sage
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm CEST

Employee well-being and engagement as key to success

Denis Ferrand, Transdev
Room B
Tuesday, Sep 27
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm CEST

Digital Leadership - Linde Case Study

Digitalization is a lot about creating new products as well as driving productivity. But in the core of digitalization, there always is the human. To create an impact an organization must leverage the intellect of the community. Only people that have the right mindset, motivation and skillset can deliver solutions with high speed.

Nanna Thiele, Linde
Mareike Braun, Linde Engineering
Room C
Tuesday, Sep 27
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm CEST

From top-down to bottom-up - Our journey to change employee communications through our social intranet

Lars Meese, Vivantes
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm CEST

Break & Networking

Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm CEST

Panel Discussion

Jane Piper, PIPSY
Gaby Nijzingh-Mos, Transavia
Adriaan Bloem, Radagio
Erik Hartman, Advatera
Room C
Tuesday, Sep 27
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm CEST

From social to community. OTTO's internal communication reinvents itself

Nina Burmester, Otto
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm CEST

Gamification - how to make your communications fun and engaging

How to use Gamification in order to make communications more fun and give employees the opportunity to engage with each other.

Xeniya Shilina, Medtronic
Room B
Tuesday, Sep 27
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm CEST

Discussion: Podcasts in communications

Silvia Polan, JTI
Julia Juckel, Siemens
Room C
Tuesday, Sep 27
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm CEST

One ALPLA News: Re-Defining Intranet as a central news hub for a global community.

Gernot Schweigkofler, ALPLA Group
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm CEST

Townhall - Summarizing the Conference

What did we learn today? A fun session which summarizes the learnings of today.

Erik Hartman, Advatera
Room A
Tuesday, Sep 27
4:30 pm – 7:00 pm CEST

Get-together, Networking, Wine and Good Food

Agenda and locations subject to changes

Digital Communications, Corporate Culture & Digital Transformation

Join us for a boutique conference in Vienna and online.

Two days full of inspiring workshops, talks, discussions and side events on digital transformation, digital communications,  future of hybrid work, digital equality, social media, corporate culture and leadership. The conference will be held in the Haus der Ingenieure, a traditional city palace, in the center of Vienna. Most sessions can also be attended online.

Digital Leadership Forum · 26 + 27 September 2022


Cat Lewis
Cat Lewis
Read More
The Digital Leadership Forum has been an incredibly valuable development opportunity for me and contributed lots towards my professional development. Incredibly well organised, superb networking and such a supportive and professional team. Highly recommended!
Jane Piper
Jane Piper
Read More
A very enjoyable conference with a good mix of practical case studies from companies and thought provoking ideas. Small enough (100-200) to meet most of the people and enjoy good conversations.
Delphine Nguyen
Delphine Nguyen
Read More
Digital technology changes so fast... To help you learn best practices from quality professionals, Advatera is a great network. The Digital Leadership Forum is the highlight of the year too!

Monday evening we invite you to a guided tour of the Albertina museum. Afterwards we meet for a get-together at the Glacis Beisl, a traditional Viennese restaurant at Museumsquartier.

Picture: © Albertina, Vienna, Harald Eisenberger

Images from our pre-Covid editions of the Digital Leadership Forum. Of course, all Covid regulations in place at the time of the event will be met.

Join us...

Register below for the Digital Leadership Forum on September 26-27, 2022. The hybrid conference is held at House of Engineers, a prestigious Viennese city palace, and can also be attended online.

Covid regulations: Since official Corona rules change regularly, they will be communicated to all on-site participants shortly before the event.  Regardless of this, we ask everyone to act responsibly and in case of sickness or a positive test result, not to show up on-site but to participate online. There is a constant exchange of air via the ventilation system with fresh outside air. Hygienic measures are implemented.

Currently there are no specific restrictions on entering Austria from most countries, but please check with your airline and here

Address of conference venue:

Haus der Ingenieure (House of engineers)

Eschenbachgasse 9
1010 Vienna

Hotel suggestion:

Motel One Staatsoper



Advatera stands for the regular exchange of experiences between digital, communication and marketing managers. Challenges you have faced in digital, web or intranet projects have almost certainly been experienced by others. The sharing of experiences can help your organization reduce its costs and sharpen its focus on essential success factors.