
Numerous Advantages for Your Business

Advatera is the initiator of an independent community of practice on internal and external digital communication and leadership.

In addition to ample opportunities for active networking, Advatera provides a platform for the cross-sector exchange of know-how and experiences. Thanks to the sharing of knowledge within the network, you’ll gain a numerous practice-oriented ideas for your own projects. In bringing together practitioners, Advatera aggregates their digital expertise and creates a highly beneficial synergy effect.

Cross-Sector Sharing of Knowledge and Experiences

Intranet ExpertengruppeRegional and supraregional expert groups exist for the following fields of interest:

  • External communications, corporate communications
  • Internal communications and employee experience
  • Social intranet, digital workplace and collaboration
  • Digital leadership, innovation and change management
  • Digital marketing
  • Crisis communication
  • Social media management
  • Information management

As a participant in an Advatera expert group, you’ll get to benefit from the know-how of others. Concepts developed jointly by the group can later serve as guidelines for similar projects in your own company. You’ll meet multiple times per year, learn from the experiences and ideas of other members and get a chance to share your own knowledge.

Our selection of regional and supraregional groups allows you to plan your participation according to your needs: regional groups enable you to get involved without expensive travel costs, while supraregional groups offer the chance to gain an international perspective.

Independent Exchange of Know-How – Free from Advertising Interests

Intranet ExpertengruppeOur Advatera expert groups are governed by a principle of strict independence. By prohibiting the participation of software or consulting firm representatives, we guarantee an open, confidential and completely advertising-free environment. It is important to us that you participate regularly, thus enhancing your understanding of the topics at hand over the span of several meetings. Naturally, all Advatera meetings are professionally organised and moderated. We draw on the experiences of previous meetings to plan the organisation and content of upcoming expert groups.

By interacting and sharing knowledge in our Advatera Expert Groups, you gain practical experiences and knowledge that can be transferred back to your own organisation. This brings about an easily perceivable synergy and resource-saving effect.

Benefits of Participating in the Network – At a Glance:

  • You participate in the independent exchange of knowledge with other experts, who share their real-life project experiences with the work group.
  • You get to know colleagues with similar job profiles from other organisations and industries.
  • You learn from both the best practices and the mistakes of other companies.
  • You obtain project ideas whose practicability and efficiency has been proven in practice.
  • By learning from the experiences of other participants in the group, you take advantage of informal benchmarking: you are better able to understand where your own projects stand and can obtain a solid decision-making basis for the upcoming stages of your current project. The confidential group environment also allows for discussion of budgets and resources.
  • You get to know about current trends and new issues in your field of work. The group discussion also helps you to evaluate them.
  • Regular interaction with the group enables you to follow projects over a longer timeframe. Instead of a momentary snapshot – like the one you might get from a seminar of conference presentation – you get an overallpicture and a truly nuanced insight into how projects are run at other companies. This insight covers the companies’ successes, capabilities and limits.

Special Advatera Benefits

  • Complementing our regional meetings are international meetings, which are attended by participants from a number of countries and are held in (e.g.) London, Amsterdam, Brussels or Paris. As a member of the network, you are entitled to participate in the international meetings free of charge.
  • In addition to our expert groups, we also organise in-depth focus groups, which work through individual topics in detail over the course of one to three meetings. For example our regular Boost your Intranet workshops, where a small group peers works on your specific challenges. As a member of the network, you are entitled to participate in the focus groups free of charge.
  • Our annual European conference, the Digital Leadership Forum, offers a larger space for networking. As a member, you’ll get a heavily discounted ticket.
  • As a member, you’ll regularly receive up-to-date studies and information and are entitled to the use of our online community.

High Quality Content and Excellent Cost-Benefit Ratio

What will it cost your company for you to take part in an Advatera expert group? This is the question that will no doubt be on your manager’s lips – and we’re confident that our high quality content and the great cost-benefit ratio of membership will quickly win them over. A whole year’s participation in an Advatera expert group costs less than two standard days of consulting. At the same time, it reduces the number of consultant hours your company will need to pay for – and might even allow you to dispense with some expensive consulting services completely.

  • A seat for an organisation costs € 2.950 per year
  • Try us out: join your first session free of charge and without obligation
  • Discounts for non-profit organisations
  • The seat is not bound to one person, you can always send one of your colleagues if you cannot attend a meeting.

Would you like to join the network?