
Advatera. Empowering you through knowledge sharing.

Empowering you through knowledge sharing.

Corporate Communications & Crisis Communications Austria

Unternehmenskommunikation Exchange of experience for communication directors and communication managers. The group covers all aspects of corporate communications and crisis communications. The focus is on topics of internal and external communication. Digital is of course also a topic in this group, but communication topics outside the digital channels are also discussed. The meetings are exclusively for communication managers of national and international companies and organisations. Agencies, providers and consultants are not allowed to participate. Only in this way can an open exchange of experience take place. The challenges you face in your projects have certainly been experienced by others in a similar way. Sharing experiences helps to save costs.

Typical job roles of the participants

  • Head of Corporate Communications
  • Communication Manager
  • Head of digital communication
  • Spokesperson
  • Head of internal communication

Which topics are covered?

  • Exchange of experience on current projects
  • Strategy Corporate Communications
  • Coordination of external communication vs. internal communication vs. marketing
  • Crisis Communication
  • Change communications
  • Experience of external partners
  • Design, structure and strategy of corporate websites
  • Content concept Corporate Website
  • Organizational Structure Corporate Communications
  • Automation in communication
  • Voice Search, Conversational User Interfaces
  • Digitisation of communication
  • Used tools and systems
  • Experience with distributors
The expert group meetings take place at one of the participating organisations. Advatera organizes and moderates the exchange and writes a summary.

Next community of practice meetings

  • Corporate Communications & Krisenkommunikation Österreich
    15 October 2024, 9.30 am 4.00 pm
    Cargo-Partner, Fischamend, Austria
    Erfahrungsaustausch für Kommunikationsleiter und Kommunikationsmanager sowie offene Diskussionen und Netzwerken. Wie immer völlig werbefreier Austausch, ohne Agenturen und Consultants.

Sign-up for the next meeting...