Startseite » Groups » Digital Communications Belgien
Community of practice for communication managers and digital managers from Belgium and the whole of Benelux.
The group covers all aspects of corporate and digital communication. The focus is on topics of internal and external communication. Digital is of course a topic in this group, but communication topics outside the digital channels are also discussed.
The meetings are exclusively for communication managers of national and international companies and organisations. Agencies, vendors and consultants are not allowed to participate. This gurantees an open exchange of experience without any hidden agendas.
The challenges you face in your projects have certainly been experienced by others in a similar way. Sharing experiences helps to solve those challenges and saves costs.
The expert group meetings take place at one of the participating organisations. Advatera organizes and moderates the meetings.
Advatera stands for the regular exchange of experiences between digital, communication and marketing managers. Challenges you have faced in digital, web or intranet projects have almost certainly been experienced by others. The sharing of experiences can help your organization reduce its costs and sharpen its focus on essential success factors.