
Advatera. Empowering you through knowledge sharing.

Empowering you through knowledge sharing.

Digital Leadership & Innovation Munich

Advatera Digital Leadership Forum Meeting for digital and marketing managers from Germany. Digital is a complex, challenging and exciting topic environment. This group covers the entire spectrum of digital transformation, leadership, innovation and digital marketing. Concepts and strategies for digital communication are developed and experiences with campaigns and digital projects are discussed.

Typical job roles of the participants

  • Head of Digital
  • Head of Innovation
  • Head of Marketing
  • Digital Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Innovation managers
  • Digital Managers
  • Online manager
  • Business affine IT managers

Which topics are covered?

Regular topics in the Digital Manager Meetings are
  • Presentation of current digital projects
  • Digital innovations
  • Innovation Management
  • Project Management
  • Digital Strategy
  • Digital transformation and change management
  • Experience with agencies and vendors
  • Website concepts
  • Analytics & Business Value
  • Role of the digital literacy officer
  • Trends & Ideas
  • Current campaigns
  • Integration Offline & Online

How often does the expert group meet?

The professional circle of digital managers meets 3 times a year. The meetings take place at one of the participating organizations.

Next community of practice meetings

  • Digital Leadership & Innovation Süddeutschland
    25 September 2024, 9.30 am 4.00 pm
    Futurice GmbH, Munich, Germany
    Treffen für Digital-, Marketing und Innovationsmanager aus Deutschland. GenAI live demo. Isabel Kurz – Futurice Wie immer: Offene Diskussionen, um Ihre aktuellen Herausforderungen in einer...

Sign-up for the next meeting...