
Social Media Austria

An exchange group for social media leaders from national and international organisations. Exchange with colleagues from other organisations and discuss your current digital challenges. Of course, all meetings are confidential: agencies, consultants and providers are not allowed to participate. Members include ABB, Roche, Spar, Swisscom, Syngenta, Givaudan, Weleda, …

Topics include:

  • Case studies and social media campaigns
  • Campaign ideas
  • Content strategy
  • social media strategy
  • social media governance
  • Incident and crisis communication
  • Escalation Management
  • social media customer care
  • Experience with social media vendors and agencies
  • Performance measurement and informal benchmarking
  • Tool experiences
  • Benchmarking and key performance indicators
  • Social media analytics
  • Video production for social media
  • Content production for social media
All meetings are professionally moderated by Advatera. The meetings are completely free of advertising and neutral. This environment allows an open and honest exchange of knowledge.
  • There are at least 3 meetings per expert group per year.
  • Due to the regularity of the meetings we can tackle long-term projects, e.g. the development of a toolbox for informal benchmarking with other participating organisations. This will help you to push your projects forward. Share your current challenges and get feedback from the group. Definitely at least one of the participating organisations has already faced a similar challenge.
  • The meetings are always at one of the participating organisations. This will give you a feeling for the daily and working life of your colleagues. Benefit from the experiences of the colleagues in our network. We support you in designing your digital strategy, benchmarking with other organisations or creating a governance model.
The sharing and learning from others saves you money and time in your project.

Next community of practice meetings

  • Digital Managers Österreich
    26 February 2025, 9.30 am 4.00 pm
    Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz, Wien, Austria
    Erfahrungsaustausch für ambitionierte Digital und Social Media Manager aus Österreich. Astrid Eisenprobst, Gastgeberin und Social Media Managerin/ New Media & Campaigning, hat Einblicke in die...
  • Digital Leadership Forum 2025
    3 November 2025, 12.45 pm 7.00 pm
    Haus der Ingenieure, Wien, Austria
    Our 12th edition of the Digital Leadership Forum.

Sign-up for the next meeting...