
Advatera. Empowering you through knowledge sharing.

Empowering you through knowledge sharing.

Subhash Mishra

FirstGroup plc 
Head of Digital Strategy

FTSE 250 digital leader for four fast growing online businesses at FirstRail.

Case Study: Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Journey Mapping. A customer journey map is a visual representation of every interaction your customers have with business – covering multiple pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase decisions that they make. It enables businesses to understand their customer expectations and pain-points more effectively. These insights can then be used to efficiently prioritise investments to improve overall customer satisfaction and commercial performance. The objective of the presentation is to provide a practical, easy to follow guide on how to conduct Customer Journey Mapping for your own organisation. The presentation will cover

  1. How to get the buy-in from your Board for a Customer Journey Mapping project
  2. What is the objective of Customer Journey Mapping?
  3. What is the right journey to map?
  4. Which customer personas to map?
  5. What should the research process involve?
  6. Which departments should be represented on the journey mapping team?
Subhash Mishra, Digital Leadership Forum