01. Dezember 2022, 9:30 – 16:00
ISO, Geneva, Switzerland
Luigi Principi Head - Web, Graphic Design and Translation - Communication Unit, ISO
Maria Lazarte Communications Specialist and Social Media Manager, ISO International Organization for Standardization
Meeting for digital and marketing managers from Geneva and Lausanne and the surrounding area.
Insights into digital projects at ISO, Maria Lzarte and Luigi Principi
Digital Transformation and associated Change Management Somen Chakraborty, Director Digital RTM: MEA & Global Duty Free at Philip Morris International
Digital leadership: building global high performing teams; Christoffer Tietze, Nokia OYJ
Stakeholder management in digital transformation projects; Valon Hyseni, SICPA
Discussion topics include
Fediverse as future of Social Media and what does it mean for corporate accounts?
AI generated stock photos and even videos: Google just published a paper with examples of videos generated by an AI just based on an textual input. Also there are products on the market already, for generating photos from an simple textual input. How far is this technology from beeing used in marketing campaigns?
Bring your current challenge along…
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