Jon Witt Communications & Engagement Manager, Rail Delivery Group
Rachel Avenell Internal Comms & Engagement Specialist, Rail Delivery Group
Richard Riche Senior Manager Internal Communications, RSSB
Internal communications and employee engagement at Rail Delivery Group
Employee engagement and experience, workplace wellbeing, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, hybrid working – these are all terms with which we’ve become familiar in recent years, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic when, rightly, a light has been shone on the importance of looking after our colleagues and their experiences both in and out of the workplace. But they’re all component parts of something bigger and less tangible – company culture! During this session, Jon Witt and Rachel Avenell from the Rail Delivery Group will talk about the journey they’ve been on over the past couple of years to help create a strong culture where colleagues can thrive.
“Hybrid events– Preventing Us Vs Them”, Richard Riche, Senior Manager Internal Communications, RSSB
Coping with constant change – getting and keeping employees engaged as we move toward a hybrid workplace: How will we measure the effectiveness of our hybrid work model? How will we address employee isolation and disconnect? How will we support employees as we transition?
How to communicate a transition to teams to 4000 co-members, Amy Cumberledge, Engagement Consultant at REED
Insights into employee comms research conducted last year by Intuit, Caroline Rheubottom
Insights into digital workplaces of participating organizations
Lots of time for open discussions around your current challenges
Advertisment free group, no vendors
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