
Online Session English speaking

Internal Comms & Engagement – From Employee to Change Agent: Empowering employees with a mission to innovate

26. April 2021, 13:00 – 14:00 (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Elisabeth Pfeiffer
Program Manager, EMEA Corporate Content Strategy, HR Communications and Employee Engagement, Texas Instruments

Cultivating an engaging and inclusive culture has always been important, but in the midst of the pandemic, the value of having an engaged workforce and the role that communicators play in facilitating this has been amplified.
Elisabeth Pfeiffer is a corporate communicator at Texas Instruments EMEA with proven experience in employee engagement and intrapreneurship. Learn how she takes a grassroots approach to employee engagement, and as a result, empowers employees to shape the future of work in order to adapt and succeed in a world that is ever changing.

Anmeldung für diese Online-Session

Die Teilnahme für Advatera-Mitglieder ist selbstverständlich ohne extra Kosten. Gäste sind einmalig willkommen, um die Gruppe kennen zu lernen. Das Treffen ist völlig werbefrei. Keine Anmeldungen von Agenturen, Beratern und Vertriebsmitarbeitern.