Grischa Brower-Rabinowitsch Leiter externe Kommunikation und Themenmanagement, R+V Versicherung
Ilona Matusch
Patrick Puschnig
How would you describe the newsroom concept, is it a change project (organization structure); how much is it an architectural concept of a space – and is that space even needed now in times of home office and hybrid work?; or is it a business process project?
What were the biggest hurdles in the implementation? Is there anything you would not do the same way again?
From channel thinking to theme orientation. How did you set up the structure, how many theme managers do you have and how do you ensure that the expertise for the individual channels is not lost despite this change?
How is the ideal daily newsroom meeting structured?
We have a large number of communicators in the company. Of course, corporate communications, marketing, but also HR, not to forget top managers and middle management, and of course ultimately every department and every employee to a certain extent. How broadly have you set up the newsroom, who all takes part in it? To what extent is internal communication involved?
Tips for implementing the newsroom model in an organization.
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