Social Intranet, Digital Workplace, Employee Experience and Internal Comms London
02. März 2023, 9:30 – 16:00
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JUST EAT, London, United Kingdom
Chloé Vidoni Manager, Global People Engagement & Operations, Ralph Lauren
Mark Tittle Global Head Of Internal Communications, JUST EAT
Michelle Okwudiafor Associate Director, Communications, S&P Global
Knowledge sharing group meeting for experienced managers of internal communications from London and surrounding regions.
Topics include:
JUST EAT: Improving engagement and enable across the business through a blend of global and local initiative, Mark Tittle, JUST EAT
Intranet demo and LumApps strategy for the year ahead.
Communication Days: Boosting Employee Engagement at TotalEnergies Gas & Power, Michelle Okwudiafor
Content strategy, Chloé Vidon, Ralph Lauren
Increased use of AI and Automation in Internal Communications
This discussion explores the advantages of using AI technology for internal communications. AI technology like Chatbots and natural language processing will continue to play a larger role in streamlining internal communications processes. We’ll examine the capabilities and limitations of tools like ChatGPT and discuss implementation best practices. Additionally, we’ll address data privacy and security concerns.
Lots of time for open discussions, including
How we can increase the watch-rate of our weekly videos?
Which Internal Comms KPIs are you using?
Bring your challenge along…
The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. local time and is held at the Just Eat office in London.
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