
Online Session English speaking

The pitfalls of agility

15. Oktober 2020, 13:00 – 14:00 (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)

With Stephan Weinhold, Scrum Master at ACI Worldwide.

Agility is hailed as the way forward for organizations striving to create value in an uncertain and rapidly changing environment. If you do it well, it has an enormous power. If applied poorly, it can cause disruption and loss of productivity. We will discuss common pitfalls that even experts fall for and how to avoid them.

Stephan is a project manager with more than 15 years field experience in leading and evolving teams, a fondness for technology, and no awe to dirty his hands.

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Die Teilnahme für Advatera-Mitglieder ist selbstverständlich ohne extra Kosten. Gäste sind einmalig willkommen, um die Gruppe kennen zu lernen. Das Treffen ist völlig werbefrei. Keine Anmeldungen von Agenturen, Beratern und Vertriebsmitarbeitern.