Startseite » Workshops und Konferenzen » Masterclass: Well-being – what leaders need to know in order to help themselves and their teams
Did you know that it is predicted that 56% of employees will burn out within the next 6 months if they do not receive support? Meanwhile, companies are busy providing generic solutions – a fruit box here, an ergonomic chair there, and giving managers instructions to have more one-on-one conversations. But how do we know if any of these interventions are actually improving well-being?
The truth is that there are more than 150 dimensions contributing to a person’s well-being. The market is saturated with solutions targeting dimensions we all know about: sleep, nutrition, fitness. But many of them don’t actually tackle the underlying problems.
It’s time to demystify well-being – so that people are more self-aware and are able to execute self-care in order to improve their work and personal lives.
We will address:
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