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Digital Leadership Forum 2024 um 12:45 Uhr (CET): Meetingraum

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Advatera. Netzwerk für Kommunikations-, Marketing- und Digitalverantwortliche.

Netzwerk für Kommunikations-, Marketing- und Digitalverantwortliche.

Laura Bieler

Digital Corporate Communications & External Media Manager

For Laura, companies that want their employees to speak positively and authentically about their employer on social media need to do more than just insist on it and wait. Nothing works without a mindset shift and a basic understanding of the importance of personal branding on channels like LinkedIn – this requires corporate support, education and role models.

For Laura, companies that want their employees to speak positively and authentically about their employer on social media need to do more than just insist on it and wait. Nothing works without a mindset shift and a basic understanding of the importance of personal branding on channels like LinkedIn – this requires corporate support, education and role models.