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Digital Leadership Forum 2024 um 12:45 Uhr (CET): Meetingraum

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Advatera. Netzwerk für Kommunikations-, Marketing- und Digitalverantwortliche.

Netzwerk für Kommunikations-, Marketing- und Digitalverantwortliche.

Tony Byrne

Real Story Group 

Tony is the original author of The Real Story Group’s Web Content Management research, a former journalist, and a 20-year technology industry veteran.

In 2001, Tony Byrne founded Real Story Group (formerly CMS Watch), seeking to create a new kind of research and advisory firm, one that works only for enterprise technology customers who want the real story about digital marketing and customer experience technologies. Real Story Group’s research has become known for its technical depth, toughness, and absolute neutrality.

Today, RSG helps large enterprises make critical decisions about their omnichannel stacks.

Tony Byrne, Digital Leadership Forum, Advatera