
Upcoming Advatera member meetings

Here is a list of knowledge sharing meetings in the next 2-3 months. Keep an eye on this page as additional meetings are frequently added. Guests are welcome to join on a one-time basis to get to know the group. Fully sales-free, no agencies, no consultants.

Generative AI in Communication and Media Production at Süwag Energie AG

Online Session English speaking
6 August 2024, 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Ansgar Gerling
Leiter Digitale Kommunikation, Süwag Energie AG

Insights into the application of Chat GPT, Photoshop/Firefly, Synthesia, Dream Machine, Suno AI will be presented by Ansgar Gerling in this online session. He will share his experience into the use of leading generative AI tools and demonstrate how these technologies are employed for media production (photo, sound & video) at Süwag Energie AG to implement innovative communication strategies and produce high-quality media content.

Sign-up now

Relaunch Online-Mitarbeitermagazin bei der TARGOBANK

Online Session German speaking
12 August 2024, 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Ulrike Höbel
Senior Managerin Interne Kommunikation, TARGOBANK

Die TARGOBANK hat sich für einen kompletten Relaunch des Mitarbeitermagazins mit einem neuen, luftigen Design, neuen Kategorien, verbesserter Usability und mehr Barrierefreiheit sowie die Abschaffung der App-Version entschieden.

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Einführung von Viva Engage bei Aurubis - Ein Rückblick

Online Session German speaking
28 August 2024, 10.00 am – 11.00 am (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Dierk Dubbels
Senior Manager Digital Workplace & Infrastructure, Aurubis

Dierk Dubbels stellt die Einführung von Viva Engage als Social Network bei Aurubis vor und berichtet über die Herausforderungen und Erfolge neben Intranet und Teams.

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Kommunikative Begleitung des „Raser-Pakets“ beim Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit

Online Session German speaking
3 September 2024, 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Christoph Feymann
Leiter Kommunikation, Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit

Eine spannende Kampagne, die von Christoph Feymann, Leiter Kommunikation bei Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit, in dieser Online Session präsentiert wird.

Nicht angepasste Geschwindigkeit zählt zu den Hauptunfallursachen im Straßenverkehr und fordert jährlich rund 90 Todesopfer, viele davon durch Raserei. Das BMK präsentierte Anfang Dezember 2024 eine Novelle, die es ermöglichen soll, Rasern die "Tatwaffe Fahrzeug" zu entziehen. Um die rasche Umsetzung dieser Gesetzesnovelle zu unterstützen, nutzte das KFV eine KI-Sprachsynthese in einem Radiospot, in dem ein Unfallopfer eindringlich mahnt: "Künstliche Intelligenz kann heute meine Stimme wieder zum Leben erwecken. Mich aber nicht. Steig runter vom Gas!".

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Digital, Marketing & Social Media Managers Zürich, Bern, Basel

On-site meeting in Wädenswil/Zurich German speaking
4 September 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Trimble Switzerland GmbH, Wädenswil/Zurich, Switzerland
Claude Chassot
Digital Transformation Leader Trimble Construction, sr. Director, Trimble Inc.
Cristina Ciobanu
Global Associate Director, Customer Engagement & Activation , CX Strategy and Operations RLT, Novartis
Ines Flammarion
Head of Communication and member of the executive committee, The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia

Join our knowledge-sharing group meeting for experienced digital managers from across Switzerland.

  • Insight into Trimble´s Digital Transformation
    • Claude is responsible for leading Trimble's transformation, and ensuring our offerings, go-to-market strategy, operations and processes are aligned with the Digital Transformation Office and Playbook in EMEA.
    • Claude Chassot, Digital Transformation Leader at Trimble
  • “Pro Helvetia's web relaunch”: a short presentation on the recent relaunch of the Swiss Arts Council website: initial reflections, technical challenges and the importance of change management process.
    • Ines Flammarion, Head of Communications and member of the executive committee
  • Omnichannel strategy and execution at Novartis.
    • Cristina Ciobanu, Global Associate Director, Customer Engagement & Activation , CX Strategy and Operations RLT at Novartis
  • Staying up-to-date with generative AI developments including LLaMA versus ChatGPT and implications for digital marketing
  • Lots of time for open discussions
  • Fully advertisment-free with no agencies, no consultants
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Digital Leadership Forum 2024

Hybrid – Join online English speaking
16 September 2024, 12.00 pm – 7.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Haus der Ingenieure, Wien, Austria
Alejandro Varsky
Director of Communications, FIFPRO
Antonia Titze
Social Media Managerin, DER STANDARD
Antonina Shelepova
Global Communications manager Global Supply Chain, Europe, Schneider Electriс
Arif Mohd
Head of Enterprise Architecture & Data Governance, ASN
... and further speakers.

Our 11th edition of the Digital Leadership Forum.

Join the event

Digital Leadership & Innovation Süddeutschland

On-site meeting in Munich German speaking
25 September 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Futurice GmbH, Munich, Germany
Isabel Kurz
Marketing Manager, Futurice

Treffen für Digital-, Marketing und Innovationsmanager aus Deutschland.

  • GenAI live demo. Isabel Kurz – Futurice
  • Wie immer: Offene Diskussionen, um Ihre aktuellen Herausforderungen in einer vertraulichen Atmosphäre mit Kollegen in ähnlichen Positionen aus anderen Organisationen und Branchen zu besprechen.
Sign-up now

Digital Workplace & Internal Communications Benelux

On-site meeting English speaking
26 September 2024, 9.30 am – 12.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Sign-up opens soon

Communications and Employer Branding – Paris

On-site meeting in Neuilly-sur-Seine English speaking
1 October 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Linedata, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Aurélia Szymanski
Group communication director, Linedata

Knowledge sharing group meeting for experienced communications managers from Paris and the surrounding regions.

  • Open Discussion on current communications challenges of participating organizations
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Social Media & Digital Marketing Managers Switzerland

On-site meeting in Basel German speaking
2 October 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland
Victoria Telebar Pajan
Social Media Specialist, Karger Publishers

Join our knowledge-sharing group meeting for experienced digital managers from accross Switzerland.

  • Insights into Karger´s digital projects. Victoria Telebar Pajan – Karger.
  • Knowledge sharing on up-to-date developments in generative AI, including  relevant tools for digital marketing
  • Lots of time for open discussions around current challenges
  • As always: completely ad-free, no agencies, no consultants
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Internal communication and Digital Workplace - Paris

On-site meeting in Paris English speaking
2 October 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
The BVA Family, Paris, France
Hélène Duong
Internal Communications Director, The BVA Family

Knowledge sharing group meeting for experienced internal communications managers from Paris and the surrounding regions.

  • Open Discussion on current internal communications challenges of participating organizations
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Digital Managers Geneva

On-site meeting in Tolochenaz English speaking
3 October 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Medtronic, Tolochenaz, Switzerland
Eduardo Chavez
Snr. Digital Manager, Medical Education Transformation (EMEA & Global), Medtronic

Join our knowledge-sharing group meeting for experienced Digital Managers from Geneva and surrounding regions of Switzerland and France.

  • Insights into the digital projects of Medtronic. Eduardo Chavez – Medtronic
  • Lots of time for open discussions
  • Fully advertisment-free with no agencies, no consultants
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Interne Kommunikation, digitaler Arbeitsplatz und Employee Experience

On-site meeting in Frankfurt German speaking
8 October 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Ferrero, Frankfurt, Germany
Alexandra Kreuzpointner-Illg
Head of Internal Communications Germany, Ferrero
Frederik Schardt
Head of TM POS Solutions & new Business, Ferrero

Erfahrungsaustausch für ambitionierte Manager im Verantwortungsbereich digitalen Kommunikation.

  • Metaverse-Tagungsformat im Vertrieb bei Ferrero. Frederik Schardt, Head of TM POS Solutions & new Business – Ferrero
  • Bringt eure aktuellen Herausforderungen zur Diskussion mit!
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Digital Workplace & Internal Communications London

On-site meeting in London English speaking
15 October 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
ESCP, London, United Kingdom
Emily Centeno
Director of Marketing, Recruitment, Admissions, Communications and Events, ESCP Business School
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Corporate Communications & Krisenkommunikation Österreich

On-site meeting in Fischamend German speaking
15 October 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Cargo-Partner, Fischamend, Austria
Karin Schwarz
Corporate Director Communications & Marketing, Cargo-Partner

Erfahrungsaustausch für Kommunikationsleiter und Kommunikationsmanager sowie offene Diskussionen und Netzwerken. Wie immer völlig werbefreier Austausch, ohne Agenturen und Consultants.

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Kommunikation, Social Intranet, Digitaler Arbeitsplatz, Employee Experience Süddeutschland

On-site meeting in München German speaking
22 October 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
Futurice, München, Germany
Claudia Ebbinghaus
Internal Communication Specialist, BayernLB

Erfahrungsaustausch für ambitionierte Manager im Verantwortungsbereich digitale interne Kommunikation, Social Intranet und digitaler Arbeitsplatz.

  • Bringt eure aktuelle Herausforderung mit…
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Swiss Digital Leadership Forum

Hybrid – Join online English speaking
6 November 2024, 8.30 am – 6.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
FHNW, Olten, Switzerland
Aldo Gnocchi
Digital Marketing, FHNW
Besiana Kajtazi
Social Media Lead, PwC
Bipasha Bhattacharya
Director Corporate Communications, Asia Pacific and Germany, CNN International
Christian Mossner
Marketing- & Video Expert, Ganz Supravision AG
... and further speakers.

Sign-up for online participation now
You can sign-up for the in-person meeting here.

Interne & Externe Kommunikation, NRW

On-site meeting in Essen German speaking
19 November 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
ifm electronic, Essen, Germany
Sign-up now

Social Intranet, Digitaler Arbeitsplatz Wien/Österreich

On-site meeting German speaking
21 November 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
  • Erfahrungsaustausch für Kommunikations- und Digitalverantwortliche rund um digitaler Arbeitsplatz, Social Intranet und interne Kommunikation
  • Völlig werbefrei, keine Agenturen und Consultants
  • Zeit für offene Diskussionen und informelles Benchmarking mit Kollegen aus unterschiedlichen Industrien und Organisationen
  • Themen u.a.
    • Erfahrungen mit Copilot
    • Remote-Mitarbeiter einbinden: Strategien und Tools zur Unterstützung und Motivation.
    • Content-Überlastung vermeiden: Priorisierung und Content-Strategie.
    • Plattformintegration: Herausforderungen bei der zentralen Integration von Tools und Systemen.
    • Leadership im Fokus: Strategien für bessere interne Kommunikation
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